Post by Frank on Oct 11, 2008 21:40:12 GMT -5
Welcome to the game; you are the Sorority Treasurer
WIN CONDITION: All Deadites have been vanquished, and there is no chance of an exclusive win for any third-party.
There is a group likes yours in every horror movie. There are three of you, and you always walk down the hallway in a row.
You’re the Smart One, the organizer and third-in-command, the one who carries her blackberry at all times and knows everyone who knows everyone. You are the Treasurer of Xeta Xeta Xeta. The sorority President planned this weeklong party, and the VP set it up, but it was you that collected cash from everyone, cut the checks for the caterer and the kegs, and made sure the e-Vite went out well before the invitations to all the lesser Spring Break Activities.
And the party showed signs of being a smash hit, until the dying and the hideous complexions and the demons.
Those bastards have no idea who they’re dealing with.
1. Apart from your ongoing responsibility to set a good example to the teeming masses with your sense of style and razor wit, you are also confident that XXXX, your President, and XXXX, your Vice President, are neither heinous Deadites nor working against the interests of the halfway decent people in attendance. Use this information as you will.
2. You have one bit of interesting information at your disposal that no one else possesses, not even your Xeta Xeta Xeta sisters. Because you maintained the list and collected money from attendees, you know that 28 people are paid in full and are students in the area. Since 30 people are present, that means three of them are crashers. You assume the Deadites will have taken the place of genuine, fully-paid students, so the question of who the two deadbeats might be remains an open one for the time being.
If both the Sorority President and Vice President die, the ability to break ties will pass automatically to the Sorority Treasurer, assuming the Treasurer is still alive.
WIN CONDITION: All Deadites have been vanquished, and there is no chance of an exclusive win for any third-party.
There is a group likes yours in every horror movie. There are three of you, and you always walk down the hallway in a row.
You’re the Smart One, the organizer and third-in-command, the one who carries her blackberry at all times and knows everyone who knows everyone. You are the Treasurer of Xeta Xeta Xeta. The sorority President planned this weeklong party, and the VP set it up, but it was you that collected cash from everyone, cut the checks for the caterer and the kegs, and made sure the e-Vite went out well before the invitations to all the lesser Spring Break Activities.
And the party showed signs of being a smash hit, until the dying and the hideous complexions and the demons.
Those bastards have no idea who they’re dealing with.
1. Apart from your ongoing responsibility to set a good example to the teeming masses with your sense of style and razor wit, you are also confident that XXXX, your President, and XXXX, your Vice President, are neither heinous Deadites nor working against the interests of the halfway decent people in attendance. Use this information as you will.
2. You have one bit of interesting information at your disposal that no one else possesses, not even your Xeta Xeta Xeta sisters. Because you maintained the list and collected money from attendees, you know that 28 people are paid in full and are students in the area. Since 30 people are present, that means three of them are crashers. You assume the Deadites will have taken the place of genuine, fully-paid students, so the question of who the two deadbeats might be remains an open one for the time being.
If both the Sorority President and Vice President die, the ability to break ties will pass automatically to the Sorority Treasurer, assuming the Treasurer is still alive.